Friday, April 24, 2009

the book thief. lit cycle #2

Discussion directer.
1) why did max Vandenburg grab Liesel and say "please"?
max did that because he has had so much going on in his life and he was asleep for 3 days and for got where he was.

2) why does Leisel steal books?
Leisel steals the book because she like the feeling of stealing form people and the only other way of getting books is if her papa buys them and her family does not have a lot of money.

3) why does Rudy always want a kiss from Leisel when he does something for her?
Rudy thinks that he deserves a kiss from Leisel because he does something for her like giving her an apple or getting her book out of the river.

4) why does Pfiffikus call Leisel a slut?
Pfiffikus calls her a slut because she is living on the streets and thinks that every women should live on the streets and not have the comfort of their home and family.

5) why does leisel and ruby join a group and steal apples for the farms?
they do that because they are really hungry and they do not get a lot of food at home because there is not a lot of money in their family.

6) why does Leisel beat up the two kids at school?
Leisel beat up the kids because they were making fun of her reading skills and she did not want to put up with it any more so she beat them up so they would keep quit.

7) why does the mayors wife leave to window open in her house?
she leave the window open because she thinks that her son will be coming home and she wants to hear him when he arrives, but her son is not coming home because he is dead.

8) why does the mayors wife let Leisel read her books?
she saw Leisel steal the book for the fire on Hitler's birthday and she does not want her to steal any more books for any one.

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