Friday, May 1, 2009


In the book "twilight series " there is not a lot of Edward's point of view and that there should be more because he is one of the main characters in the all the books. There is more of Jacob's perspective and point of view which is not fare to Edward because Jacob does not do much in the books and that Edward does not than he does and when ed left Jacob came in to the pic and that he had to pick up the pieces and then when he come back he still does more than Edward which is not right. They are really book book and that any one can read then but you have to know that the author did not make it fare that the main characters did not get to say more and that the book did not have more of their point of view. There is something unique about this series and that is that they are a special kind of series because they can inspire people to do better and to encourage people to read more. Some people say that when they start reading the series that they can not stop and have to keep reading and they say that when you have read all 4 books that they let them sit on the shelves and they in a few weeks or months that they pick them up and read them again and again, they are books that you can not get bored of. The author also needs to get more of the Cullen's'
involved and get then to say more and to get more of their perspective and not give it all to Bella.

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