Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dream jobs

I believe that is is important that you are passionate about your job because even if it is not your dream job you still have to like it and enjoy it. If you are not passionate about it you will not get any thing done and will not get any where in life and if you hate it that much then just quit and save you self for all that misery. there are some people that i know and they love their jobs and they love what they are doing. those people are my parents and they enjoy what they are doing.

I don't know what i am doing for the rest of my life. Hopefully woking in a 5 star resort or something like that. i hope to get to where i wan to be is going to be hard work and a lot of time consuming. i plan to get their by starting with good grades and getting accepted into university, then i plan on working really hard on my classes after that and, after 2 years of university get hired at a resort or hotel and start my career and if that does not work then i don't know what i am going to do.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

creative writing: a wired day at work

A weird day at work can be very interesting and can also be confusing. One day at work my manager and one of the other guys i work with we acting like they were mentally challenged and like they were 3 years old. They acted like this for around 4 or more hours. and at one point they were fooling around in the store and that they were shooting elastics at each other and putting soft security tags on the backs of other employees and they did not figure it out till some ones told them that they were on their backs. It was so funny and hilarious that one of the managers would go along with it for so long but then eventually he told them we did and they took them all off but there were some still on but they were not on the back on their shirt, they were on the bottom of their shoe. Don't ask how that happened because i don't know how that happened and it can be interesting. It can be confusing by having your manager act like that and also other employees and especially ones that have worked they're for a long time, and that they are really good friends. when you are up at the front on cash you can get really bored and when there is some one else there with you it can get really weird because the music is so bad that some one starts dancing and almost falls on their face on the ground and they do that twice a day in less than 30 minutes apart, and you get to the point that you are shooting elastics at each other up at the front and some one can't aim then the elastic end up all over the store, and then the manager that is in charge of everything gets mad and says that you have go around the whole store and clean up everything and puck up the elastics around the whole store as well. You can have very interesting and weird days at work and it does not matter where you are working.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

novel synthesis

In the "No Man Is An Island" by John Donne, the people are all connected and that if one person is hurt then all are hurt. In "The Book Thief" by Markus zusak, the main character, Leisel, is connected to almost every person the Mulching, Germany. The book and the poem have to deal with that every person is connected to everyone around then and the ones that are close to them. If one thing goes wrong in one place then all of the other countries are effected even if it has nothing to do with the other countries. they are connected by the way Liesel is connected with her Foster father and her friend Rudy and that the poem say that "every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main" explains that the people act like the Continent and that everyone is effected by some ones problems. Some people can tell if something is wrong and if that person is up set or mad then the people around them are acting the same and the only way to get them out of that mood is if the persons that was upset or mad to start of with is getting in a better mood then every one that was around them is doing the same. With Liesel, she lost her brother and where ever she goes she sees him and that she can't stop that from happening and when ever she thinks of him around Rudy or Hans then they are upset with her until she stops thinking of him. it does not matter what kind of people the problems happen to cast then selves upon, and they do not have to be friends or even acquaints they still get affected by then. In "The Book Thief" and the poem "No Man Is An Island" are similar because they are saying and showing that people are effected by their problems can effected others.

Friday, May 1, 2009


In the book "twilight series " there is not a lot of Edward's point of view and that there should be more because he is one of the main characters in the all the books. There is more of Jacob's perspective and point of view which is not fare to Edward because Jacob does not do much in the books and that Edward does not than he does and when ed left Jacob came in to the pic and that he had to pick up the pieces and then when he come back he still does more than Edward which is not right. They are really book book and that any one can read then but you have to know that the author did not make it fare that the main characters did not get to say more and that the book did not have more of their point of view. There is something unique about this series and that is that they are a special kind of series because they can inspire people to do better and to encourage people to read more. Some people say that when they start reading the series that they can not stop and have to keep reading and they say that when you have read all 4 books that they let them sit on the shelves and they in a few weeks or months that they pick them up and read them again and again, they are books that you can not get bored of. The author also needs to get more of the Cullen's'
involved and get then to say more and to get more of their perspective and not give it all to Bella.

Friday, April 24, 2009

the book thief. lit cycle #2

Discussion directer.
1) why did max Vandenburg grab Liesel and say "please"?
max did that because he has had so much going on in his life and he was asleep for 3 days and for got where he was.

2) why does Leisel steal books?
Leisel steals the book because she like the feeling of stealing form people and the only other way of getting books is if her papa buys them and her family does not have a lot of money.

3) why does Rudy always want a kiss from Leisel when he does something for her?
Rudy thinks that he deserves a kiss from Leisel because he does something for her like giving her an apple or getting her book out of the river.

4) why does Pfiffikus call Leisel a slut?
Pfiffikus calls her a slut because she is living on the streets and thinks that every women should live on the streets and not have the comfort of their home and family.

5) why does leisel and ruby join a group and steal apples for the farms?
they do that because they are really hungry and they do not get a lot of food at home because there is not a lot of money in their family.

6) why does Leisel beat up the two kids at school?
Leisel beat up the kids because they were making fun of her reading skills and she did not want to put up with it any more so she beat them up so they would keep quit.

7) why does the mayors wife leave to window open in her house?
she leave the window open because she thinks that her son will be coming home and she wants to hear him when he arrives, but her son is not coming home because he is dead.

8) why does the mayors wife let Leisel read her books?
she saw Leisel steal the book for the fire on Hitler's birthday and she does not want her to steal any more books for any one.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

" The Lottery" & " The Perils of Indifference"

In the "The Lottery" the people that live there are ordinary people that go along every day doing things to help their neighbors and when the lottery comes along the people know that some one is going to die but they do not know who it is. "The children had stones already......." "A stone hit the side of her head."

In the " The Perils of Indifference" the man is describing how he saw things happen in the holocaust and how he survived. " Why did some of Americans largest corporations continue to do business with Hitler's Germany until 1942?" The other people do not realize that every day people con commit crimes around the world. Every person who was under Hitler's control thought that Hitler was a good man and did what he said and they did not know what was going on in the concentration camps and when they found out what was going on then they sometimes tried to do the right thing by trying to stop Hitler.

The two story's tell people that some one that is walking down the street can do something that can hurt some one or Even kill that person. Sometimes when one person sees some one getting beat up or just getting picked one, they tend not to do anything, they just stand there or just keep walking. I know that because i have done that and i regret it every day and wish that i did help that person. Even the smallest person can do the best thing like murder. It does not matter how small or big the person has to be to do something. All you have to do is set your mind to it and go for it. Any one can commit a crime as big as Hitler or the smallest one like hitting one one but they can all lead to something bigger.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Places I Have Been
1) Mexico
2) Hawaii
3) Disney World

The criteria is how beautiful the place is and how friendly the staff and the other tourists are.

Mexico: Every place that you go, can be amazing. the colour of the scenery and the wonderful sunsets and sunrises. And even the colour of the water is the coolest shade of blue and green. The tourists greet you when you walk down the street.

Hawaii: Every where around the islands are covered with so many colours from the flowers to the sand on the beach. Most of the people and tourists greet you but not all.

Disney World: The many Fields that are covered with trees with oranges hanging on them. Certain places around Florida are not the cleanest but still very beautiful and the tourists are not the best at being friendly but they are trying.


if you could have any superpower In the world what would it be??
the superpower would be to be invisible because it something bad happened or something was very embarrassing, you would disappear for the scene and no one could find you till latter.